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On March 28, 2022, a client of ours received a fraudulent DMCA on YouTube and got two videos taken down. It was videos made from the computer game Grand Theft Auto V On-Line. YouTube is known to be cowards so anyone can report any video on YouTube at any time and it will automatically be taken down instantly!

This is because YouTube wants to avoid any unnecessary lawsuits – even though they enjoy protection under The Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA) which is shielding publishers from their own acts of copyright infringements. It is a ‘safe harbour’ for online publishers to protect them from users posting copyrighted material.

So we turned the situation around! Took the gun in the other hand - so to speak, and took down the perps that DMCA'd the videos just because they wanted to hurt a competitor.

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Mug Shop with an attitude:
On March 28, 2022, a client of ours received a fraudulent DMCA on YouTube and got two videos taken down. It was videos made from the computer game Grand Theft Auto V On-Line. YouTube is known to be cowards so anyone can report any video on YouTube at any time and it will automatically be taken down instantly!

This is because YouTube wants to avoid any unnecessary lawsuits – even though they enjoy protection under The Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA) which is shielding publishers from their own acts of copyright infringements. It is a ‘safe harbour’ for online publishers to protect them from users posting copyrighted material.

So we turned the situation around! Took the gun in the other hand - so to speak, and took down the perps that DMCA'd the videos just because they wanted to hurt a competitor.

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Mug Shop with an attitude:

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