The Rules - Please read before posting!

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When posting make your headline (Post Subject) as clear as you can. It makes it easier to find it when searching the forum and it will give you better SEO in Google!

1. Anybody can post in TWO Forum
2. Be nice and respect each other please!
3. Afilliate links are not allowed but it is ok to post a link to YOUR site in the Promotion thread.
4. Avoid links in posts. They will be evelauted and if not relevant deleted!
5. Only one link in signature. Special agreements can be made.
8. Moderators can have multiple lnks in the signature.
9. This forum is free, but we use Google Ads to finance hosting and programming. Don't click on ads unless you are interested.
10. We are monitoring the forum daily and everything that looks like spam will be deleted and user/ip banned.
11. Links to medications and adult sites are NOT tolerated and you will get banned immediately.

About TWO offers:
In the TWO offers thread you can post an offer to information products or services you have created. There are specifics about how to do it in the thread.

Two ways to get banned:
1. Spam.
2. Personal assaults.

Spam is a HUGE problem. We have moderators and membes looking for and reporting spam and we have software that looks for spam behaviour and automatically ban suspicious users. If you feel you are banned for no reason just PM Admin and we will look into it.
"Down here, I make the rules".
"Down here, I make the threads".
"Down here, I'm God!" - Web design and Search Engine Optimization
When posting make your headline (Post Subject) as clear as you can. It makes it easier to find it when searching the forum and it will give you better SEO in Google!

1. Anybody can post in TWO Forum
2. Be nice and respect each other please!
3. Afilliate links are not allowed but it is ok to post a link to YOUR site in the Promotion thread.
4. Avoid links in posts. They will be evelauted and if not relevant deleted!
5. Only one link in signature. Special agreements can be made.
8. Moderators can have multiple lnks in the signature.
9. This forum is free, but we use Google Ads to finance hosting and programming. Don't click on ads unless you are interested.
10. We are monitoring the forum daily and everything that looks like spam will be deleted and user/ip banned.
11. Links to medications and adult sites are NOT tolerated and you will get banned immediately.

About TWO offers:
In the TWO offers thread you can post an offer to information products or services you have created. There are specifics about how to do it in the thread.

Two ways to get banned:
1. Spam.
2. Personal assaults.

Spam is a HUGE problem. We have moderators and membes looking for and reporting spam and we have software that looks for spam behaviour and automatically ban suspicious users. If you feel you are banned for no reason just PM Admin and we will look into it.
"Down here, I make the rules".
"Down here, I make the threads".
"Down here, I'm God!" - Web design and Search Engine Optimization

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