02-01-2025, 06:56 PM
Here is the story about a company culture that is rotten to the core. Matt Mullenweg is a unresponsible CEO who navigates his company and hi users through scandal after scandal.
The WordPress environment takes a lot of damage and people are running away from WordPress. Lately 159 of his own staff left his organisation.
Matt succeeded in creating a toxic environment and it hurts his employees, web designer companies and users.
If Matt continues this route he will ruin the entire WordPress community.
Here is the story about an ego centric maniac narcissistic WordPress Forum admin we outmaneuvered. He is part of the toxic environment Matt has created.
The WordPress environment takes a lot of damage and people are running away from WordPress. Lately 159 of his own staff left his organisation.
Matt succeeded in creating a toxic environment and it hurts his employees, web designer companies and users.
If Matt continues this route he will ruin the entire WordPress community.
Here is the story about an ego centric maniac narcissistic WordPress Forum admin we outmaneuvered. He is part of the toxic environment Matt has created.
Mug Shop with an attitude: https://DontFuckWithDaddy.com